South Africa

My time in South Africa

Having been back from my adventure to South Africa for a couple of weeks now it’s very good to look back on it and muse on the many exciting experiences I had there. The main purpose of the tour was of course to meet and talk with teachers about this extraordinary thing that is teaching! And indeed I did. In my solitary, but hugely event-packed, week I visited Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria. Mostly I talked about Simultaneous Learning and it was greeted with much enthusiasm. I found so many teachers eager to explore the positive and pro-active forms of teaching I love talking about and sharing. I also understood why many go to live in South Africa - among other things, their winter is generally more summery than our summer. And although it's still a country with some serious unresolved issues there is something very special I clearly felt manifest in the camaraderie and cheerfulness of all those I met...

I was hosted by the excellent Lovemore Music – music shops are still very much the thing in SA. People go and visit and browse and are sometimes lucky enough to be helped in their searches by Danni and Steve, whose massive knowledge and good humour keeps much of music making and teaching alive and well. In my case they also displayed massive industry and diligence in booking all the accommodation and the many flights and making sure I was at the right place at the right time. Which, thanks to them, I was. Also for the food. I enjoyed some types of fish I’d never even heard of prior to my visit. 

And yes … I did actually go on safari in my suit - travelling light does have its unexpected consequences!   My one afternoon off was well spent in a very well-protected specially designed wagon … and we really were that close to that lion.